This set of matching Ebeling and Reuss vases stand 6.5" high by 4.5" across by 3.5" in diameter. This set has a wonderful full-bodied porcelain form with handles starting at the rim to the midline. They are glazed in a ruby red ground and covered in a medium lavender/blue over glaze, laced with touches of cream, which drips from the rim over the shoulders and handles. This set still retains its foil paper labels, in the shape of the Liberty Bell on the face of the vases, which read 'E & R, Inc. American Artware'. They are in factory original condition, with some no harm glaze nuances, pinholes and a krinkle in the porcelain on the rim of one vessel, which is fully glazed, all shown in the photos. This set was produced at Ebeling & Reuss near Philadelphia, PA. c1940.
E&R History: Zeh, Ebeling & Reuss Co. was established by the German emigrants Theodore Ebeling and Frederick Reuss which had teamed up with the owner of a glassware and china business, John E. F. Zeh. The company imported porcelain, earthenware, and ironstone from several Bohemian, Czechoslovakian factories and other European countries, including dinnerware, decorations, and gift items. Zeh withdrew from the company in 1900; it was renamed to Ebeling & Reuss Co. before moving to Devon, Pennsylvania. Business increased further as the company quickly became a major supplier of porcelain figurines, teapots, etc. to shops in the Northeastern United States. What makes this company interesting is the fact that they imported products from many factories, including the German firms of Alboth & Kaiser (Kronach, later Staffelstein), Fürstenberg (F ürstenberg), Goebel (Oeslau / Rödental), Heinrich & Co. (Selb) and (from 1955 onwards) Carl Schumann (Arzberg). The firm also imported goods from the Keramos company from Austria and the company of Ditmar-Urbach located in Teplitz-Turn (today Czech Republic); furthermore they purchased items from various manufacturers around Limoges (France). The company’s import volume peaked in the late 1940’s/50’s and with George Ebeling as long time manager, the company remained in the hands of the Ebeling and Reuss families until 2002 when it was sold to the Strathmore Corporation.
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