This very handsome Candy & Co. vase stands 6.25" high by 5" in diameter. According to online sources, production of hand-thrown art ware began in the mid-1930s and these attractive Art Deco influenced wares were sold under the trade name ‘Candy Ware’. By 1939, Candy Ware lines were being sold through the London shops such as Liberty & Co., and for export. Production of art ware ceased during the Second World War but was resumed briefly before closing in the 1950s when the business returned full time to the manufacture of tiles. This vase has a classic ribbed form, with a rolled collar. It is glazed in a rich shaded green over yellow drip glaze. It is finished in a satin matte. It is marked with a faint ink stamp, whch is easier to read in hand, and guaranteed to be authentic Candy & Co. ware from c1930s. It is in factory mint condition, no apologies. This vessel makes a very handsome presentation!
Candy Ware England Ribbed Vase in Green over Yellow Drip Glazes Mint E494
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